Autoimmune Disorders and Saddle Nose Deformity
A saddle nose deformity can be caused by a medical or autoimmune disorder. When autoimmune disorders result in inflammation or damage affecting the upper respiratory system, the structure of the nose can change. There are a few different autoimmune disorders that have resulted in saddle nose deformities for patients with these diseases. Dr. Maurice Khosh of Saddle Nose Repair offers the expertise needed to restore the shape and function of the nose for those with saddle nose deformities caused by an autoimmune disorder.
Cartilage, like any tissue, needs the right conditions to stay healthy. Autoimmune disorders can cause the body to attack its own tissue in a variety of ways, including cartilage. Certain diseases can result in inflammation and loss of healthy cartilage in the nose, which can weaken the nasal structure. In some disorders, it can take years of repeated damage to the septum through infections, lesions or inflammation before a saddle nose deformity occurs. In other diseases, the damage may be caused much quicker. Once the damage is done, the nose bridge can collapse on its own or may be at high risk for damage due to trauma.
Autoimmune Medical Conditions Causing Saddle Nose Deformities
Patients with certain autoimmune disorders can suffer from a saddle nose deformity that is a result of cartilage loss in the nasal structure. Controlling the underlying disease can help prevent the risk of nasal collapse, but this is not always possible. Some of the disorders that are known to pose a risk for saddle nose deformities include:
Dr. Khosh’s extensive experience in repairing various forms of saddle nose deformities has made him one of the top plastic surgeons in this field. If you have suffered a nasal bridge collapse due to an autoimmune disorder that has weakened your nasal structure, Dr. Khosh can offer repair solutions. Contact our clinic in New York City to schedule a consultation to discuss a saddle nose repair.
Words can not express my gratitude for his amazing life-changing work.
I had a tonsillectomy and a Neck Lump removal done on the same day.
Everything that you ever heard or read about tonsillectomy, is a dramatic over-exaggeration of people who can NOT tolerate pain.
I was so ready for a long misery and stressful recovery... Pffttt , turned out to be a really easy experience.
Dr. Khosh did an amazing job!!! Also taking in to consideration that I had 2 surgeries performed on the same day. I was out walking my dogs on day 2. Day 3 Walking dogs, doing some shopping and cooking... day 4 5 and 6 you get the picture. 0 limitations, just listened to my body and didnt overwork myself.
Just want to tell anyone and everyone who is either thinking of or NEEDS to have adult tonsillectomy done - Please don't even think twice. You get a perfect dose of painkillers, and they can solve all your pain-needs.
Dr.Khosh has an amazing warm and friendly personality, with a heart of gold and superb skills.
Susan - my comforting shoulder, and Christine - always happy and positive to brighten your day. I am forever grateful .